Important Note for QBO 2024 eBook Users (Released July 1, 2024). If you're using the QBO 2024 eBook go to the QBO Updates for the 2024 ebook.

Important Notice: QBO Updates and Your Course Materials

QuickBooks Online (QBO) is constantly being updated, which means that sometimes the new QBO changes may look different from the screen captures and instructions in your textbook.

If there's a major update that affects your coursework, we’ll post an update here to help guide you through the changes.

Specific instructions for your QBO 4e textbook are listed below.

Stay informed by regularly checking these resources to ensure you're working with the latest information.

Chapter 1

Section 1.1 Page 8 New QBO Setup.

  • For your convenience, posted here is a PDF file with the latest setup update for Chapter 1, Section 1.1, Page 8 that some QBO users are now seeing. Note that QBO set up may continue change and the order of the set up questions may also change. [Update 2024.08.22]

  • Posted here is a PDF file with a prior setup update for Chapter 1, Section 1.1, Page 8 that some QBO users may encournter. Note that QBO set up may continue change and the order of the set up questions may also change. [Update 2023.09.22, 2024.03.01]

Page 74 Q1.1. Change to: a. Reports. [Update 2024.02.12]

Page 74 Q1.2. Change to: c. Other. [Update 2024.02.12]

Page 74 Q1.4. Change to: a. From the Navigation Bar, select Transactions. [update 2024.02.12]

EM1.3 Item 1. There are reports that this setting may be set to Off, instead of On. If your setting displays as Off, change it to On. [Update 2023.06.21]

EM1.4. Item 7. There are reports that this setting may be set to Off, instead of On. If your setting displays as Off, change it to On. [Update 2023.06.21]

Project 1 Page 88 New QBO Setup. For your convenience:

  • Posted here is a PDF file with the latest setup update for Project 1, Page 88, beginning with step 4 that some QBO users are now seeing. [Update 2024.08.22]

  • Posted here is a PDF file with a prior setup update for Project 1, Page 88, beginning with Step 6 that some QBO users may encounter. [Update 2023.09.22, 2024.03.01]

P1.5 Item 7. There are reports that Automatically apply bill payments setting may be set to Off, instead of On. If your setting displays as Off, change it to On. [Update 2023.06.19]

Chapter 2

Payments to Deposit versus Undeposited Funds Account Title. Note that QBO has been using the account title, Payments to Deposit, for funds that are being held to deposit in the bank at a later time. Payments to Deposit is the account title that is used in Chapter 2 of your text. Previously. this account was referred to as Undeposited Funds. If your QBO Chart of Accounts adds an Undeposited Funds account, for consistency with your text, use the Payments to Deposit account as instructed in your text instead. [Update 2023.06.19]

Inactivating Accounts. Note that if you have any issues inactivating accounts in your COA, try to inactivate each account separately instead of as a batch. Intuit continues to change the COA that is automatically provided, so do your best to match the COA provided for you in Chapter 2. [Update 2023.09.12 Special thanks to Pat Carter of Green River College]

Billable Expense Income - 1. It has come to our attention that, for reasons yet unknown, this account may appear in your COA, and even if it is inactivated, it may reappear. [Update 2023.09.22 Again, special thanks to Pat Carter of Green River College]

Section 2.7 EM2.6, EM2.7, P2.8 Account and Subaccount Form Updates. When adding new accounts and subaccounts, the forms and order of the steps may appear differently in your QBO company due to updates. [Update 2024.05.08]

Page 140 & 144, EM2.3, EM2.8. Be aware that although you are instructed in EM2.3 to select Owner’s Equity for Detail Type for Retained Earnings, in the report in EM2.8, Retained Earnings may appear as the Detail Type for the account in the COA report. [Update 2024.02.06 Special thanks to Greg Noack of Sauk Valley Community College for bringing this to our attention]

Page 158, P2.1 Question 3. If your screen displays information different from what Connect shows as correct, please reach out to your instructor for guidance. [Update 2023.09.13 Special thanks to Marina Kessens of Ivy Tech Community College]

Chapter 3

Pages 227 and 244, Carole Design Media should be Carole Media Design. Regrettably during our various accuracy checking phases, it was overlooked that Carole Design Media was introduced in Chapter 3, but appears as Carole Media Design in later chapters. The most expedient update is to change Chapter 3 to Carole Media Design. [Update 2023.10.06 Special thanks to Professor Sara Barritt and her student of Northeast Community College for reporting this discrepancy.]

Page 183 C3.1 Step 5. With the QBO Product and Services update, your Product and Services report may no longer display the two additional items: Hours and Sales. Prior to the update, these two items were automatically added. Now, your PS report may only display the item you added: Transport. [Update 2024.04.02]

C3.3 Record Deposit Quick Check. The introductory sentence should be: To record a bank deposit for Mookie The Beagle Concierge, we would complete the following steps: [Update 2024.10.07]

Chapter 4

Page 260, Section 4.4 Money Out: Recording Expenses Step 10 should be: In this case, since the software does not relate to a specific customer… [Update 2023.07.14]

Note that in Chapter 4 when uploading Banking transactions, if your Banking screen does not contain the drop-down menu option, Upload from File, select Gear icon > Import Data > Banking Data. [Update 2023.09.13 Special thanks to Steve Carter of Lone Star College]

Chapter 5

Section 5.9 Customer Invoices, Create Invoice, Pages 338-341. For your convenience, posted here is a PDF file with the Invoice update for Section 5.9, Customer Invoices, Create Invoice for pages 338-341. [Update 2024.03.01, 2024.04.02]

Chapter 6

C6.2 Page 397 Step 7. If your Pay Bills screen does not display the Checking Account balance after the bill is paid, after saving the Pay Bill, to view the Checking account balance, from the Navigation Bar, select Transactions > Chart of Accounts > View Register for Checking account. [Update 2024.04.03]

P6.10 Page 422, Paragraph 1. …crosscheck the progress of your QBO work at this point. [Update 2023.03.22]

Chapter 7

Section 7.7 Page 443 - 448 New Invoice and Sales Tax Update. For your convenience, posted here is a PDF file with the Invoice and Sales Tax update for Section 7.7. [Update 2024.03.01]

P7.8 Page 487 - 488 Steps 1, 4, 5. For your convenience, click here to view the Invoice and Sales Tax update. [Update 2024.04.03]

P7.10 Page 490 Step 9a. If using the new Invoice update, step 9a. should be: a.Select Manage > Actions > Transaction Journal. [Update 2024.04.03]

P7.12 Page 493 Step 8a. If using the new Invoice update, step 8a. should be: a.Select Manage > Actions > Transaction Journal. [Update 2024.04.03]

P7.13 General Ledger Quick Check. There have been reports that for P7.13 General Ledger in Account 1300 and 3001, QBO may display the Inventory Starting Balance for ‘Router’ in the accounts 1300 and 3001 with a balance of $0.00. [Update 2023.10.18 Special thanks to Professor Judy Dunaway and her students of East Mississippi Community College.]

Chapter 8

Note: due to QBO Updates, your Employee screens may appear slightly different than those in your text. [Update 2024.07.10]

Section 8.3 Page 499. If QBO returns an error message when you are trying to add Employees to track time, try adding the names under the Contractors tab. [Update 2024.04.30 Social Thanks to Michelle Stargell of Golisano Institute for alerting us to this workaround.]

Section 8.4 Step 12. Should be: Enter Social Security No.: 123-45-6789. [Update 2023.10.24]

Section 8.6 Pages 521 to 523 Invoice Tracked Time. For your convenience, posted here is a PDF file for an Updated Section 8.6, Invoice Tracked Time. [Update 2024.03.01]

EM8.4, P8.4, P8.5. Pages 543, 554. Invoice Tracked Time Update for EM8.4, P8.4, and P8.5 is posted here. [Update 2024.03.01]

P8.1 Step 2. If QBO will not permit you to select a service for a billable item on the time entry (you can select the service item, but it will display as None instead of the name of the service item (such as Support Services under the Support and Maintenance Category), here is a workaround:

  1. In the Product and Services list, add a newly created Category, such as a Consulting category. The name of the new Category does not really matter.

  2. Now change the Support Services (or problematic service item) to the new Category, Consulting.

  3. Refresh the screen or sign out of QBO and then sign back in to QBO.

  4. Next, change the Support Services item back to the original correct Category, such as Support and Maintenance Category.

  5. Refresh the screen or sign out of QBO and then sign back in to QBO.

  6. In the Time Entry form, select the billable service as Support and Maintenance: Support Services.

[Update 2023.10.11 Special thanks to Professor Sandi Ray of Evangel University for discovering this issue and finding a workaround.]

Chapter 9

EM9.5 Page 602. In the QBO Crosscheck for EM9.5, Connect may contain additional erroneous information that differs from your QBO 4e text. Follow the instructions in your QBO 4e text for EM9.5. For your convenience, posted here is how Connect should appear for the QBO Crosscheck for EM9.5. [Update 2024.04.02]

P9.2 Page 615. In the second paragraph, the second and third sentences should be:

So at the end of the accounting period on January 31, one month of insurance had expired @ $300 ($900/3 months = $300 per month). The two months of unexpired insurance is Prepaid Expenses: Insurance, an accept account with future benefit. [Update 2023.11.29 Special thanks to Susan Miller of Delaware County CC and Kevin]

Chapter 10

Section 10.11 Pages 656 to 666. For your convenience, posted here is a PDF file with a Tags update for Section 10.11, Pages 656 to 666. [Update 2024.03.01]

Chapter 11

Section 11.2 New QBO Setup Page 695. For your convenience:

  • Posted here is a PDF file with the latest setup update for Section 11.2, Page 695 to 698 that some QBO users may be seeing. [Update 2024.08.22]

  • Posted here is a PDF file with a prior setup update for Section 11.2, Page 695 to 698 that some QBO users may encournter. [Update 2023.09.22, 2024.03.01]

CC11.2.5 Step 8. There are reports that Automatically apply bill payments setting may be set to Off, instead of On. If your setting displays as Off, change it to On. [Update 2023.10.25]

CC11.3.10. Should be: If the following accounts appeared on Mookie The Beagle Coach Chart of Accounts, for each account, identify Account Type and Financial Statement on which it should appear. [Update 2023.10.27]

CC11.3.11. Should be: If the following accounts appeared on Mookie The Beagle Coach QBO COA, identify the corresponding Line number on Form 1120S. [Update 2023.10.27]

CC11.8.2 Steps 7.1, 7.2 q, r, 7.3. For your convenience, view the updates for Sales Taxes here. [Update 2024.04.03]

CC11.8.3 Step 8. Add: Deposit to Checking account. [Update 2023.11.16]

CC11.8.3 Step 10. Add: Deposit to Checking account. [Update 2023.11.16]

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